Tuesday, March 23, 2010

YouTube - Remember when I said in class.......

that it was a copyright infringement case waiting to happen?

It's happened - actually, it's BEEN happening. Meida gian Viacom sued Google (which owns youtube) over copyright infringement. This is a case that is going to take years and teh lawyers are going to get rich.

The lawsuit began in 2007 and is asking for over $1 billion in damages.

CLICK HERE for some details, including screenshots of documents made public this week. There are some interesting back-and-forth comments on that site, and a few "whoops!" instances.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

CDs & your iPod/MP3 player [Aug 10 version]

I've been surprised at the number of people who have no idea how to transfer the music on your CDs to your MP3 player/iPod. The details will vary depending on whether you are using Macs or Windows, and what your player is/how it works. however, here is a quick idea on how to get the tracks into a more protable format.

The directions are going to be vague, but should help.
iPod/iPhone owners (this works for both Macs & Windows machines):
  1. Call up iTunes. [If you don't have iTunes on your computer, go to iTunes.com and downlaod/install it].
  2. Check the iTunes preferences. There's an option to set how iTunes will import CDs - I suggest using "Apple Lossless" as the format. If you really don't have a lot of hard drive space on your computer OR not a lot of memory on your player, use MP3 set to 256. If you REALLY don't have much room, set it to 128.
  3. Pop in a CD. iTunes will either automatically start importing the CD, or will ask you what to do, or will just add the CD to the list, there on the right.
  4. If it doesn't import automatically, click on the name of the CD. Highlight the tracks you want to import. (Click the top track, then shift-click the bottom one.)
  5. In the advanced menu, select "Create Apple Lossless" or "Create MP3..." - it'll say something similar to that!
  6. Plug your i-whatever to the computer. It should show up in the right-hand column in iTunes.
  7. Click your music library icon [It says "Music", at the top].
  8. Select some file. Click-n-drag them to the iPhone/iPod icon on the right.
  9. The files should copy over.
Other MP3 players
You've got a few options. YES, you can use iTunes. You can also use Windows Media Player, or any of several MP3 rippers out there (there are many that are free. Some are good, some not so good...).
The short version:  After "ripping" the files [i.e. getting them copied over from the CDs to the hard drive] - for a lot of players, all you have to do is open up two windows - one from the computer where the audio is stashed, the other to your MP3 player. Then drag the files to the MP3 player to copy them over.
The longer version:
If you are going to use iTunes:
  1. Follow steps 1-5 in the iPhone list above.
  2. Plug your player into the USB port.
  3. Macs: You should see the player show up on the Desktop. Windows: Open up My Computer.
  4. Doubleclick the icon to open a window. Slide the window over a bit.
  5. Macs: Open up where iTunes is stashing your files [usually Documents-->Music--->;iTunes, then nose around the folders. try looking inside the "Compilations" folder.)
  6. Windows: Open up My Documents---->My Music--->iTunes. Nose around the folders there - look for the "Compilations" folder.
  7. Drag the files from the Computer---->iTunes window to the MP3 player window.
That should do the trick.
I'm not familiar enough with Windows Media Player to really type up anything helpful - if you know it well enought to give some detailed instructions, type 'em up and send them to me. I'll post it!