Friday, March 16, 2007

Classical era study sheet (1/08 update)

This is NOT comprehensive. Treat it as a suggestion for some things to look at. After all, I haven't made up the test yet!

  1. A-list Composers - Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven
  2. What their jobs were like - i.e. how a career as a musician changed from Haydn -> Mozart -> Beethoven
  3. Overall characteristics of the music (beginning of chapter)
  4. Forms: know the official definitions: Sonata-Allegro, Rondo, Theme and Variations, Minuet & Trio
  5. Genres: Symphony, Concerto, Chamber music (String Quartets), Opera, Sonata (esp. Piano Sonata)
  6. The 4 movement set that I called the Sonata format
  7. Why is it called the "Surprise" symphony?
  8. If there is a term in bold in the text, it'd be a good idea to know what that term means.

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