Thursday, November 15, 2012

Test 3 scores and comments

I just posted the test scores AND updated the presentation score, concert reports scores, and the absences in the Vista gradebook.

 Below are the comments about 20th century - interesting stuff!

When we come back we'll finish up 20th Century with the "After 1945" segment, then some jazz.....and possibly some recording!

Did you like or dislike the 20th century stuff? Why?

I enjoyed the 20th Century music because it included a diverse group of artists that took other cultures music and blended them together in a new form. I delight in the music that can make me feel as if I'm traveling and exposes me to sounds of foreign lands. 
I enjoyed the 20th century listening a lot. My favorite composer would definitely be Claude Debussy. He music is just absolutely beautiful, and he really was the foundation for other impressionist artist. 

20th century music for me was difficult to understand. I did however develop a new appreciation for music because of it. 
I like some of it, but others like poeme electronique and shard where just a bunch of sounds are put together sound terrible to me. They just come off as annoying in my opinion.

I did like most of the twentieth century stuff, although, some of it I would not listen to on the regular, but I understand where there composers are coming from. I did enjoy listening to the music, even though I could not differentiate the different pieces as well as I thought I would be able to. I guess I need to restructure my listenning study technique. 

I didn't like what I heard, mostly. It seemed like the composers were focused on being different more than producing quality. There were some great tunes, but nothing that was transcending the times as was in Mozart or Beethoven's stuff. Experimentation is the defning feature of that era to me. 

Yes, i enjoyed the pieces. Well first off I was laready a fan of Copeland. I loved listening to "Fanfare for the Common Man" on long car trips. Also when I hear his music it just feels so "American." Secondly I am a sucker for brass and strings music. The Stravinksy piece relied very heavily on brass and in some ways reminded me of the theme from Jaws. Now while the Mendelssohn(sp) piece was a romantic piece I also enjoyed it because of the wonderful string orchestra working together. Lastly, without people like Stravinsky and Varese, I wouldn't be able to enjoy artists like Skrillex and Deadmau5. 

Yes, though it is not something I usually listen I have learned the beauty in it (well some of the pieces). It has really broadened my ear for music.

I did like the 20 century songs better than the romatic songs. They to me seemed to be easier to listen to than the songs of the romantic period. Some of the songs of the 20 century were very familar to me being a trumpet player and former member of high school and a colligiate marching band, so for me some I personally had experience in playing them in a concert setting. My favorite of all the songs would probably have to be Simple Gifts Variations because that was actually one of the songs from my freshmen year in high schhol that was a part of our halftime show. 

Yes. I liked the 20th Century better than any of the listening that we have done. My mom is sucker for 20th Century music. A lot of this I have listened to in my highschool mornings getting ready for school because she would have it playing throught our home. I am a sucker for alot of brass instruments. I love hearing some strong brass in concerts. There is something about the 20th Century that hits home about being an American. Do not get me wrong, I do enjoy the other composers and music as well, but just the fact that it is American I think I am partial. 

No because it had some off the wall stuff that made me want to bang my head. Yes because some things sounded familiar to me and just music that I could enjoy 

I liked some of the 20th century pieces like Aaron Copeland's pieces because of the ability of his works to express America as a nationality. The ability of expressing, not just an emotion, but a country is interesting to me. I disliked the more abstract pieces such as the Poema Elecronic because it's harsh dissonant meaningless sounds were cool but were NOT music. Some may consider it to be music but I did not. It was just electronic sounds. I really liked Chopin even though he was not a 20th century composer.. He is my favorite our of those we have studied in the chapter.  

It was ok. I liked the romantic music better because it was easier to identify. Then again, the 20th century was easier to follow along to. 

Yes! The 20th century period was very interesting and knowledgeable thanks to you. You helped me understand the different "isms" that took place. Learning about different Afro-American composers was very informative and understanding exactly where the music came from. 

I like the 20th century stuff because, it didn't sound alike! 

I enjoyed it because music began to modernize as the world was also modernizing. The influence that jazz music has had on the music industry to this day is amazing. 

I enjoyed it. Most of the music we had on our listening CDs were songs that I had somewhat already heard. I love the Symphonies that Beethoven produced they are some of my favorite. 

I liked it! I liked how it introduces in many ways the progression into todays genres. Jazz concepts played with an orchestra is very odd and interesting to me. Its cool. 

I like the 20th century stuff because it is more diverse and easier to tell songs apart from one another, although some of it was a bit strange. 

Honestly, I dislike all the 20th century material, even the Romantic material, as well as the Baroque, Classical, and medieval. It's just hard for me to get into the music. I can possibly say that the only true song that I almost enjoy was Erlking, other than that, it was just hard for me to get into the music and thoroughly enjoy it. Maybe it is because it is not like the stuff I normally listen to, which is to me a wide range of music (rap, hip-hop, R&B, country, etc.). It just has this truely old timey feeling that my brain just seems to want to reject my ears from really tuning into it. I did better in remembering the Medieval music better than I did both the Romantic and the 20th century stuff. What I will say is that I did like that in the 20th century, they did help pave the way for musicians today to be able to do what they do, with beginning the constraints of copyrights and being able to record music, as well as sampling music from the past eras.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

NO CLASS TODAY 11/12/2012

I have no voice! I have either bronchitis or a sinus infection or the "Macon Crud" or any case, no class today.


The test will be over Romantic & 20th Century up to 1945 - i.e. the section titled 1945 and after will be covered on the final [along with jazz].