Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Is it music to play an entire building?

from http://www.wtop.com/?nid=114&sid=1735146
David Byrne makes music with London building

from http://www.roundhouse.org.uk/whats-on/productions/playing-the-building--3268
Playing the Building: An Installation by David Byrne

from http://www.davidbyrne.com/art/art_projects/playing_the_building/index.php
Playing the Building

Playing the Building is a sound installation in which the infrastructure, the physical plant of the building, is converted into a giant musical instrument. Devices are attached to the building structure — to the metal beams and pillars, the heating pipes, the water pipes — and are used to make these things produce sound. The activations are of three types: wind, vibration, striking. The devices do not produce sound themselves, but they cause the building elements to vibrate, resonate and oscillate so that the building itself becomes a very large musical instrument.
Click here for a video

Is this music?

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