Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Free Concerts @ Macon State

[yes, they count...] Original article @ http://www.maconstate.edu/news/newspage.aspx?sqid=1058

Dr. Dusty Woodruff, classical guitarist and founding memberof the Athens Guitar Trio will present a solo recital at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, in the Arts Complex Rehearsal Hall at Macon State College.  Free and open to the public. 

Dr. Matt Anderson, classical guitarist and founding memberof the Athens Guitar Trio will present a solo recital at 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 2, in the Arts Complex Rehearsal Hall at Macon State College.  Free and open to the public. 

Contact Rebecca Lanning for more information at 471-5773

Quick note re: Classical Guitar recitals:
  1. This is NOT guitar playing like you've ever heard. It's very subtle playing and sounds [as opposed to the  "slap you upside the head" sounds like you are used to] . Expect it to require some concentration.
  2. That said...you're going to hear some very cool sounds coming out of a guitar that you didn't know the instrument can make.....if you'll listen well.
  3. PLEASE make ABSOLUTELY sure your cell phones are OFF. Not "set to vibrate". OFF.
  4. Generally you applaud between major pieces - not individual movements. Just be aware!