Monday, August 27, 2012

Test and Schedule updates

FINALLY here's the official this-is-when-it's-gonna-happen testing schedule:

Test 1 Sept 12 - in PSC 151
Test 2 Oct 15 [Last “Drop with a W” day] - in PSC 109
Test 3 Nov 14 - in PSC 109
Final Exam: Mon Dec 10 1-3 pm in PSC 151

Angela F, your new presenation day is Sept 17.

Joshua R, Joshua D, and Craig C - two of you can present on Oct 1. The other will present on Sept 5. You guys flip coins, draw straws, arm wrestle, whatever to decide who goes when. Let me know.

I should mention that I grade the presentation MUCH more leniently at the beginning of the semester than that the end!
The Presentation schedule is at

The Syllabus - which has been updated with teeh new schedule, is at

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Presentation Schedule posted

I just posted the presentation schedule as it is at the moment on the blog at

The may be some changes, especially if you are signed up near a test date. I'll relay the news as it happens [more or less...].


The Kamien Connect link on the main page of the blog is correct. The one that was wrong was the link at the top of the syllabus - that has now been fixed.

Thanks for letting me know about the problem!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Syllabus change

I modified the class schedule to reflect the test 1 date change - although that probably won't matter to you just yet.

I also added at the bottom of the syllabus [] a listing of what CD tracks will be on which test. Take a look at it - I suggest marking it in your textbook.

The tracks listed on each test are the ONLY ones that I will draw from for the listening portion. The only exception is the final exam - but we'll get to that later in the semester!

Wednesday, August 08, 2012


If you were in the class previously, you might want to UNSUBSCRIBE to keep me from clogging up your inbox!

Click the link, somewhere below this paragraph.