Monday, October 22, 2012

Vista news

I just updated the Presentation scores and Absences columns in the gradebook. You might want to pop into Vista and make sure the numbers there are correct!

We are at week #9 out of 14 in the semester. 

I have had ZERO concert reports to grade thus far.

This is not a good thing for either of us!

Those who have ears, let them hear.....

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Test 2 news

It has been graded. You should be able to see your grade in Vista.

If you can't PLEASE let me know!

Vista says the test is worth 80 points. I'm curving this one [DON'T GET USED TO THIS!].
It will actually count 73 points.

So use 73 when typing in your score into the grade spreadsheet or when calculating your percentage score.

You HAVE downloaded the spreadsheet so you can keep track of your grades in this class, yes?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

MusApp Test 2: Monday 10/15 in PSC 109

  1. There are between 3 and 59,214.4 questions on the test.
  2. ... and 18 listening items.
  3. The extra credit is a piece you've never heard before. You are to decide which era it is from and tell my WHY you think so.
  4. I suggest you know the musical characteristics of these eras, so you can make an intelligent decision!
  5. I am sneaky and have been known to put different sections of the same piece on a test. You have been warned!
  6. The listening is indeed online as before. It's at a different URL, so don't bother checking the previous one.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Beethoven's 5th Symphony - 7 versions

As I said in class, the 5th Symphony - especially the 1st movement - has become extraordinarily famous. Nowadays we'd say this has become an internet meme, but obviously it predates the internet!

Here is some indication of how famous the 1st movement has become, as evidenced by these clips from youtube [of course!]

First, the Peter Schickele/PDQ Bach version - the live sportscast!

2: Sid Ceasar, an argument done LIVE on camera in the 1950's.

3: Three Redneck Tenors, from their America's Got Talent appearance.

4: Again, the Three Redneck Tenors, in their live show

5: There was even a DISCO version - seriously, it hit the charts and stayed there for a loooong time!

6: ...and of course, the requisite DubStep version

7: There was even an ELO version of "Roll Over Beethoven" that incorporated the theme.

Monday, October 08, 2012

Concert News

Tonight's Mercer Piano Concert CANCELLED due to illness.


October Mercer Concerts
18-20 - Thurs.-Sat. Mercer University Opera presents
The Toy Shop
Martha Malone, director

21 - Sunday Hallelujah, Handel
Choral Society of Middle Georgia and Mercer University Choir
David Keith, conductor
Mulberry Street United Methodist Church
719 Mulberry Street, Macon
Tickets: $10 general admission/$8 stuents, seniors and military - Purchase at the door

23 - Tuesday Guest and Faculty Artist Recital
Lenora Green, soprano
Carol Goff, piano

26 - Friday Fabian Concert Series
Emerson String Quartet
Eugene Drucker, violin
Philip Setzer, violin
Lawrence Dutton, viola
David Finckel, cello
Tickets: $12/One free ticket with Mercer ID
Reserved seating: Call (478) 301-5470 to purchase

30 - Tuesday Mercer University Orchestra
Ward Stare, conductor


The Georgia Woodwind Quartet
Angela Jones-Reus, flute
Jean Martin-Williams, horn
Reid Messich, oboe
D. Ray McClellan, clarinet
Amy Marinello, bassoon
October 2nd, 2012 7:30 PM through 8:30 PM
Max Noah Recital Hall
United States
Phone: 478-445-8289

David Johnson, violin; Gregory Pepetone, piano
October 15th, 2012 7:30 PM through 8:30 PM
Max Noah Recital Hall
United States
Phone: 478-445-8289

Faculty Brass Recital
Christopher Probst, trumpet
Clifford Towner, trumpet
Joshua Crook, French horn
Maureen Horgan, French horn
Eric Bubacz, tuba
October 24th, 2012 7:30 PM through 8:30 PM
Max Noah Recital Hall
United States
Phone: 478-445-8289

Something Completely Different