Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Beethoven's 5th Symphony - 7 versions

As I said in class, the 5th Symphony - especially the 1st movement - has become extraordinarily famous. Nowadays we'd say this has become an internet meme, but obviously it predates the internet!

Here is some indication of how famous the 1st movement has become, as evidenced by these clips from youtube [of course!]

First, the Peter Schickele/PDQ Bach version - the live sportscast!

2: Sid Ceasar, an argument done LIVE on camera in the 1950's.

3: Three Redneck Tenors, from their America's Got Talent appearance.

4: Again, the Three Redneck Tenors, in their live show

5: There was even a DISCO version - seriously, it hit the charts and stayed there for a loooong time!

6: ...and of course, the requisite DubStep version

7: There was even an ELO version of "Roll Over Beethoven" that incorporated the theme.