- After signing into Vista, click on Assessments. You should see a list of the exams. Click on one, and you can see the questions, your answer, plus the correct answer.
- This is also how you'll see how you did on the Final Exam listening - I'll be adding text in the comment box for each listening question.
- The gradebook in Vista is a bit annoying for you guys - it shows spaces for several years worth of previous tests. Basically, just look for items [tests, scores, etc] that have a number beside them. Ignore everything else.
- I'd explain why it's that way, but you'd be bored, and we're dropping Vista in another week anyway!
- There is a grade spreadsheet available in Vista where you can manually type in your grade and it will calculate it for you.
- Final Exam: new questions from 20th Century after 1945 section, plus jazz, plus the Music Biz/Tech stuff covered over the semester.....between 1 and 34,745 questions.
- Final Exam listening: Could be anything on the planet that has ever been recorded. This is the question you'll see on each one: "What era is this piece from? Why do you think so?"
- Get a handle on the basic musical characteristics of each period - that will be a good starting place. More information about your thinking is MUCH better than less.
- In other words: Longer answers are probably a better choice, unless you can positively identify the piece. That automatically gets you the points.
See you Monday.