Monday, September 17, 2012

In class presentations

Now that you've seen three of them:

  1. The conversational aspect is typical. If I see you aren't going to cover something sufficiently, I'll ask questions about it..... at least until the midterm. By then you should know how this goes.
  2. Sometimes we'll chase a rabbit. Just go with the flow!
  3. Make sure you cover the list of things you should - see the syllabus!
  4. Talk TO your audience.
  5. Don't be afraid to say, "I think this is what it is, but I'm guessing."
  6. Style: WHY is it that style?
  7. Style: Sometimes the song is MOSTLY this, but also has a bit o' that and the other. That's OK - but explain what parts of the song sound like this or that or the other.
  8. "I'm not sure I need some Help" is fine as long as you've seriously given it your best shot at figuring it out on your own.
  9. Use your ears as well as the 'net research to tell what instruments are playing.
  10. Come PREPARED. You can't prep for this in 10 minutes and expect a good grade. KNOW your stuff. Know what you don't know as well.....and feel free to ask!

Someone left a comment on the card today to the effect of "I knew the teacher would slam anyone doing mainstream stuff". 

Sadly, This person is mistaken on two counts: I wasn't slamming the presentation OR the song, and it had nothing to do with "mainstream".

What I was making the snarky comments on was the production of the song, not the song itself. The producers [who I presume were Babyface and Beyonce] made some seriously faulty choices in the orchestration of that tune - i.e. what sounds would be used. 

Yes, a live violinist and a real acoustic grand piano would have worked much better, but so would have a high quality string sample and a high quality piano sound on a keyboard - which are EASILY available.

The cheesy sounds they chose seriously detracted from the effectiveness of the song, and that's just sad! The song deserved better than that, especially given the quality of her vocal performance.

ENOUGH snarking for one day! See y'all Wednesday!