Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Kamien Connect issues last week

Received an email from the publisher about the issues that cropped up last week:

Between Thursday night, August 30th and Tuesday, September 4th, we had four system interruptions that impacted students’ ability to take their McGraw-Hill Connect assignments. ....... Please be assured that no student assignment data was lost and all other components of the Connect platform were available during these periods.

......these interruptions were not caused by either the volume of students using Connect, nor any problem with the software itself. The interruptions were caused by human errors in the configuration and monitoring of our hosting infrastructure. We are currently working with our hosting service providers to prevent any future occurrences. These measures include additional 24/7 monitoring of our systems along with an augmentation of the number of staff dedicated to this monitoring. 

 Just an "FYI"!

Please keep me posted about Connect and how it's working.