Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Romantic era study sheet (3/08 update)

The times (see beginning of chapter)
  1. How the orchestra changed, especially compared to the Classical era orchestra
  2. Misc musical characteristics: Rubato, double-stopping, new harmonies
  3. How musicians made their living

  4. opera
    • Verdi - popular
    • Puccini - verismo
    • Wagner - music-drama

  5. art song

    • Strophic vs through composed, song cycle
    • Schubert
    • Clara Schumann

  6. piano

    • Virtuosity, mechanical changes, pre-eminance
    • Character piece - Chopin
    • Character Cycle: Schumann Carnaval
    • Bigger pieces: Liszt Transcendental Etudes

  7. chamber music

    • Virtuosity, inc.
    • Schubert Trout Pno Quintet
    • Clara Schumann Romance Vln/Pno

  8. absolute vs. program music, new forms and types

    • Symphonic poem/Tone Poem (same thing)
    • Concert Overture
    • Incidental Music
    • Program Symphony

  9. concerto

    • Mendelssohn

  10. nationalism

    • Smetana
    • Dvorak

  11. symphony

    • Tchaikovsky (Overture-Fantasy)
    • Brahms

  12. exoticism

    • Berlioz

Be able to ID what TYPE (genre) the piece is: Opera, art song, character piece, program symphony, tone poem, string quartet, nationalistic symphony, or something else

Movements and Thoughts
  • Exoticism
  • Absolute vs Program music
  • Nationalism - how would you write something Nationalistic, anyway?

Thursday, October 12, 2006

How to calculate your average (1/08 update)

I've had a few requests for class averages. Here's how you calculate it.

From the Syllabus:
  • Presentation 10%
  • Concert Reports 10%
  • Tests 60%
  • Final Exam 20%

So here's how you calculate it. (You CAN setup an excel spreadsheet to do this for you. That will let you play "what if" - "what if I make an 80 on the final......" etc).

Figure up an average of the test scores. Then the
Final grade =
Presentation grade times .10
Concert report grade average times .10
Average of the tests times .60
Final exam grade times .20
and then subtract 3 points for every class you missed greater than 2
(i.e. 3 classes missed, subtract 3 points. 4 classes, subtract 6 points)

That will be a percentage - i.e. .88 = 88%

How to setup a Spreadsheet (using Excel)

In this cell: Type This:
A4 Description
B4 Grade
C4 Average
D4 Final Grade
A5 Presentation
A6 Concert 1
A7 Concert 2
A8 Test 1
A9 Test 2
A10 Test 3
A11 Test 4
A12 Final Exam
A13 No. Classes Missed
C7 =AVERAGE(b6,b7)
C11 =AVERAGE(a8,a9,a10,a11)
C13 =IF(B13>2, -1*(B13-2*3),0)
C14 Attendance
D5 =(B12*.2)+(C11*.6)+(C7*.1)+(B5*.1)+(C13)