Friday, April 29, 2011

(1) It's posted! (2) FInal Exam note

1) The class recordings are FINALLY posted! You can listen online AND download them [for a limited time].

I personally think they are best when played LOUD. . . . . .outside.

2) Just so you know - the final will be Monday 5/2 from 1-3 pm over in the ARC lab. I had a few people who weren't sure!

Apparently I am one of the few who follow the exam schedule.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Something to play while studying?

Otamata - a webpage that creates sound that never repeats (well, PRACTICALLY never!). It is an interesting take on how to create music, in this case by starting little blocks moving back and forth inside a square.

Check it out!

Monday, April 18, 2011

4/18/11 class videos

Vids shown in class today - the top one is the only one that really applies in term of academic content. The other two spring from our discussion of rap vs hiphop.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Test Graded - and your comments

The test grades are up on Vista. When calculating your percentage, don't use 70 as the points possible - use 66. (yes, it's a curve.)

Below are your comments - interesting stuff!

What has surprised you most about 20th C music?

How good some of the music was, despite the weirdness.

I can not listen to this music at all. It is not easy on the ears at all. I wish I could go back and change it all. It amazed me that they took things from the past periods.

What surprised me most about 20th century music was how early electronics were used in composing and producing new sounds. While most of these sounded like complete crap, they found their way into popular music and other forms of entertainment such as cartoons, as well as forming a path for sound designers in general.

The fact that electronic music had been used in the early 20th century amazed me. I thought all of it came in during the 80's or something, Poeme Electronique sounded like new Radiohead stuff!

How there were these extremes. Either you deviated from the old ideas or you went with the old ideas and composed based on those ideas.

Surprised? Probably the range of sounds, even NOISES, that can be cobbled together and called music. I've found that the answer to the question "Is it music?" is always "It COULD be!"

It has surprized me more by now knowing that the music made from today has already been done. Its amazing how the old music is still sampled and writing the same way.

It is different than I was expecting it to be. Other than that nothing really surprised me.

Was very surprised at how diverse the music was. Some of the pieces were just absolutely horrid, but some were actually enjoyable to listen to.

Nothing really surpirsed me. I figured 20th century music would sound completely different from anything else we've covered since the music of today sounds completely different from anything we've covered. Well, nevermind, one thing that did surprise was people rioted over the new type of music. I guess its shocking to me because "shocking" music is more common today than it ever was.

Before we started studying twentieth century music, I thought it would be more like today's music. After we started studying the twentieth century, I learned that many of the pieces sounded like the other eras we have already studied. It is very hard to identify the pieces because they sound so much like the other ones. I was very suprised by this. I knew that more percussion and electonics would be used, but I thought it would have a completely new sound. I was suprised that the twentieth century wasn't very new and interesting. The Romantic era was more interesting than the twentieth century and I thought it would be the opposite.

It's near inability to be classified by certain characteristics. It has so many styles. One person can't hear something and think "20th Century" like one can in the previous eras.

The vastness of the realms of ideas in which it encompasses. Anything goes. Its like an explosion of creative musical thought. Pretty awesome in my opinion.

I throughly enjoyed the exploration of noise and the abandoment of "civilized" music to prove the point that anything can be music

How early the electronic music was introduced.

It sounds just like the music of the old days just with better and more instruments.

how it came about, the history.

The variety of the music.

How ridiculous it can be. I love the Romantic music, but 20th century is just plain noise. Yes, yes, to shock the audience. To be honest with you, that has been said about every era: "This is different, a reaction to the era before." Everything is to shock or please an audience.

The atonality. Random notes and singing doesn't seem to mix.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Youtube Choir?

Recording Instructions

Introduction to the virtual choir

Last year, renowned composer Eric Whitacre went viral with his virtual choir. This time around he has increased the stakes and organized a virtual choir with over 2,000 members. In this TED talk, Whitacre talks about the challenges of making music powered by YouTube and reveals his latest effort titled "Sleep."

Composer Organizes 2000 member virtual choir

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

To reiterate.......

Next week, the amazing Vientos del Pueblo ( joins the MSC Chamber Singers for a program featuring music of South America, including the Argentinean classic “Misa Criolla.” Vientos del Pueblo will be bringing charangos, zampoƱas, quenas, a cajon, rainstick, bomba, a donkey’s jaw and some toenail looking things plus guitars and a violin. We will be joined by Dr. Leroy Bynum, Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities at Albany State University. This is a program you do not want to miss:
Friday, April 15, 7:30 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church
682 Mulberry Street
Downtown Macon

We are expecting a huge crowd, so don’t come late!

Monday, April 04, 2011

Concert Reports note, and a couple of random news tidbits.......

1) Remember that concert reports are due in by the 2nd class after the concert took place. So if the concert was on Friday, then you need to turn in the report by the Wednesday's class.

Everything is due by the last day of class, 11:59 pm (the odd time is in case you'd like to turn it in electronically).

2) I've mentioned that Youtube is full of copyright violations, and there is a $1 Billion lawsuit between Google and Viacom over this issue. It is now in the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals - and I think it will land in the Supreme Court eventually. HERE is an article with the latest update.

3) So now you can make music with....your SNEAKERS! Adidas has developed a sneaker with a wireless setup that transforms tap dance movements into music. FULL ARTICLE HERE.

2 upcoming concerts

1) Friday night April 15 @ 7:30 pm @ First Presbyterian Church on mulberry Street (Downtown Macon, across the street from the Grand Opera House).

The Macon State Chamber Singers with Vientos Del Pueblo.  Youtube Vid

The Singers will do a set, then the Band will do a set, followed by a performance of a Latin America Mass.


2) Tuesday April 19 at 1:00 pm in the Rehearsal Hall (downstairs from the Music App classroom).

The Macon State Chamber Singers, plus music students on piano, voice, and guitar, will perform a variety of works.