Monday, October 24, 2011

Notes from 10/24/11 class

I just updated the WebCT/Vista gradebook with all of the grades from the presentations so far.

We have 5 weeks of the semester left. I have only seen TWO concert reports! They are due during our last class meeting. Don't let this slip up on you!

The Macon State Chamber Singers will be performing oncampus twice, downstairs in the rehearsal hall:
Monday November 14 at 7:30 pm
Tuesday November 15 at 12:30 pm

Yup - 'tis FREE!

Here are the Symphonie Fantastique Videos we started today:

4th Movement | 5th Movement

4th Movement

5th Movement

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Free Concert THIS WEEK

[YES, IT COUNTS - but since it's so short I'll expect better writing!]

BRING THE KIDS to an adorable opera for child audiences (Grades K-5) that the whole family will enjoy! Next week Mercer University Opera teams up with Stone Academy after-school program to present A Muskrat Lullaby. Based on the story book “Mama Don’t Allow“, this great little show is only 25 minutes long and we are performing it at 6:00 p.m. for your convenience: after work and before dinner.

It’s FREE, so bring the grandkids and neighbor’s kids, too! See how Miles the Muskrat and his singing quartet of swamp animals escape the clutches of Boss Alligator and the Alligator Gang!!

Tuesday-Wednesday, Oct. 18-19

Thursday-Friday, Oct. 20-21


Audience participation and sing-along! Meet the cast after the show!
Call (478) 301-5751 for more information.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Test 2 comments

What surprised you most about Baroque music? About Classical?

I was surprised that I enjoyed the Baroque music better then the Classical music.

What surprised me most was the differences between the two. I thought they sound the same before but now I see clear consise differences.

My favorite thing about Baroque music is the ambling melodies. They're fun to play on piano. My favorite thing about Classical is that it is more emotional than Baroque, which is why I'm excited to move into the Romantic period.

I like classical better because its not as crazy.

A few pieces that I always thought were "classical music" were actually from the Baroque period.

the baroque music is a little weird to me. i'd much rather listen to childrens music. and the classical music was the best to me because it kept you moving throughout the piece.

Before the class, I could not tell the difference. They were just names to me and had no meanings. I was surprised that the Baroque era had as much "drive" as it did. I didn't realize that the Classical era still used vocals in music.

A lot of different things surprised me. Mostly about Bach's dad.

I find it hard to tell a distinction between pieces. I find it hard to tell a distinction between classical composers also. I feel there is only so much a composer could have really done to stand outside the box. However; each period offered their own uniqueness. Taking the roots of the earlier period.

What suprise me about Classical is that the only two composures i know are both considered under the Classical section and that both Mozart and Beethoven didnt do as much as Haydn but still are the two names tht comes up the most. The Baroque its hard to say because before this class I didnt know anything about it but I did learn alot from the 1600s when it came to this time period in music

The classical era surprised me in that it was essentially the composers were comparable to the pop artists of today.

Baroque music goes on and on and classical music survived for a long period of time

I was definitely unaware that Opera began during this time period. I grew an appreciation and interest for opera while learning this section. What suprised me most about classical music was after listerning to music from the baroque period, it is amazing to me how simple it was compared to that. It made me realize that this is where folk music began.

It surprised me that a boroque peice could last so long and be so fast paced while the musician remembers all of it and doesnt miss a note. It surprised me that the classical composers were so amazing at experimenting with dynamics. I also like it when a theme returns many times in different fragments and keys.

what the musican had to go through in oder to play music

I did not know that the harpsicord was invinted before the piano. I also didnt know that people and society in Europe were as involved and dedicated to music, nor that it was considered educated to be able to play music.

The Baroque music is somewhat harsh, very loud and constantly moving uses Basso Continuo. Classical is much more lyrical uses a full orchestra no longer uses a Basso Continuo or the Harpsichord.

To me, Baroque music is difficult to identify. I never realized how easy it is to get Classical music stuck in your head until I sat and really analyzed it.

The fact that I could actually pay attention to it and the fact that I didn't hate it.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Oct 23rd concert in WR

Sunday Oct 23rd @ 3pm
205 North Davis Drive
Warner Robins

Admission $10
Students FREE

Free Upcoming Concerts @ Mercer (WITH MSC STUDENT ID)

Tuesday, October 18 at 7:30 p.m. - Fickling Hall
Amy Schwartz Moretti, violin Julie Albers, cello Elizabeth Pridgen, piano
Franck - Piano Quintet in F minor
Shostakovich - Trio No. 2 in E minor

Monday, October 24 - 3:00 p.m. - Fickling Hall
William McGraw, baritone, Master Class
Mr. McGraw is one of the foremost performing vocal pedagogues in the United States.

Note from the booking agency:
"We hope your students are able to attend.  They only need to show their ID for a ticket or admission.  I would encourage them to get an advance ticket for the Oct. 18 concert."