Tuesday, April 05, 2011

To reiterate.......

Next week, the amazing Vientos del Pueblo (vientosdelpueblo.com) joins the MSC Chamber Singers for a program featuring music of South America, including the Argentinean classic “Misa Criolla.” Vientos del Pueblo will be bringing charangos, zampoƱas, quenas, a cajon, rainstick, bomba, a donkey’s jaw and some toenail looking things plus guitars and a violin. We will be joined by Dr. Leroy Bynum, Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities at Albany State University. This is a program you do not want to miss:
Friday, April 15, 7:30 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church
682 Mulberry Street
Downtown Macon

We are expecting a huge crowd, so don’t come late!